
Yes or No?: Straight Answers to Tough Questions about Christianity is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this volume Kreeft tackles many of the tough questions facing Christianity today. In a series of imaginative dialogues, Sal the Seeker and Chris the Christian deal with the profound mysteries of the Gospel. The result is a book that is both engaging and profound. Kreeft shows how Christianity is God’s marriage proposal to the soul, and the answer must be “yes” or “no.” Kreeft explains how we...

not the opposite of doubt; faith can include doubt. The opposite of faith is not doubt but indifference, just as the opposite of love is not hate (love can include hate) but indifference. Pascal, who wrote brilliantly “against indifference” in his Pensées, said that there are only three kinds of people in the world: 1. those who have sought God and found him; 2. those who have sought him and not yet found him; 3. those who neither seek him nor find him. Jesus promised, “Everyone who seeks, finds.”
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